Firelands Symphony Orchestra
The Firelands Symphony Orchestra is one of Ohio’s most respected community organizations, and owes much of its continued success to the commitment of its players. Joining the FSO requires that each player commits to attending all rehearsals as required.

2024-2025 ORCHESTRA Audition InformatioN
Audition options are: in-person (by appointment) or video submission.
Open Positions
All Instruments (for Substitution List)
Please PREPARE/submit the following items:
• A one-page resume
• Performance of the following:
• ONE standard solo concerto or solo piece of your choice (ca. 3 minutes)
• TWO contrasting excerpts of your choice
Jody Chaffee, Personnel Manager
Jody Chaffee, Personnel Manager
** While openings do not exist for other instruments, musicians are encouraged to audition to be on our substitute list. If you are not sure of your availability for all concerts, you may still audition for any instrument.