Hello! My name is Olivia Felbinger

I am an intern for the Firelands Symphony Orchestra. I am eighteen years old, and I recently graduated from Port Clinton High School. I will be attending Baldwin Wallace University in the fall to study performing arts management and music. I do not remember what my life was like before I became involved in performing arts because I have been involved since such a young age. As a result, art has had the biggest impact on my life, so I could not imagine choosing any other field to study. I am very excited for what the future will bring, and I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to work in the field before starting my first semester of college.

I began dancing when I was three years old, and I became a competitive dancer for the Moving Company School of Dance when I was six years old. Growing up as a dancer was truly the best experience, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. However, since I graduated, my career in dance has recently come to an end. Dance will always have a special place in my heart because of how much I’ve grown to love it over the many years, and I hope for the opportunity to reconnect with dance in the future.

I have been playing the violin since I was five years old. My family is not a family of musicians, so it was entirely my decision to start playing. My parents began taking me to Alice Weiss for violin lessons, who just happens to be a long-time member of the Firelands Symphony. I continued to study privately with Miss Alice until I joined Port Clinton’s school orchestra program in sixth grade. Although I no longer study with Miss Alice, I am forever thankful for the time I spent with her because she has helped to make me the musician I am today.
When I got to high school, though, I really found my passion for playing the violin. My freshman year was also when Port Clinton hired a new orchestra director, Adam Murray. Under his guidance, I was a three-year symphony concertmaster, a two-year assistant concertmaster of the OMEA district II honors orchestra, a first violinist in the TrueNorth Chamber Orchestra, and a pit orchestra musician for Fremont Community Teen Theatre’s recent production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I also studied privately with Mr. Murray throughout my time in high school as well as over the summer. It was because of him that I grew so passionate for playing the violin, which is the ultimate reason as to why I will attend Baldwin Wallace with my chosen major and minor. I can’t thank him enough for that.Â

I am also thankful for everyone at the Firelands Symphony office who have made this internship experience so far so insightful and fun. I have already learned so much, and I look forward to the rest of the time I will spend as an intern for the symphony.Â
Olivia is the most passionate, hard working, self disciplined person I have ever met. She knows exactly what she wants and will never fail to exceed expectations. She loves what she does, her love for music is truly something beautiful that should not be compromised. She will continue to grow and do amazing things, I’m lucky to call such an inspirational and beautiful girl one of my best friends.
I have been blessed to watch Olivia develop, not only her musical talents and dance expertise, but to become a responsible and committed young lady. From a very young age, she began playing the violin and remained committed to her lessons. Her involvement in dance came at an early age, as well. While busy with her practices, concerts, and performances, she maintained excellent grades in advance studies throughout her years in Port Clinton schools. How she managed to maintain expertise in all these areas is beyond comprehensive.
I am proud to watch her perform. I am proud to call her family. I am proud of all her accomplishments. I am certain her internship will be another area Olivia excels.
Congratulations, Olivia, your dedication is beyond reproach.
I have so enjoyed watching you grow up and see how you have pursued your goals . It is wonderful to watch you succeed in developing your passions. … You are an amazing young woman and I look forward to your many adventures! There is nothing like dance and music to make your heart happy!